Viewpoints: How restaurants can cope when tragedy comes to their doorstep


Unfortunately, divisive national politics have come to the front door of the restaurant and retail industries again this week with the tragedies in Dayton, El Paso and Mississippi. How companies respond will be under tremendous scrutiny and can draw severe criticism. Align takes a look at the choices companies face when events like these unfold at their businesses.

Employee retention is a major focus now and companies are increasingly competing for the best employees. Some new perks being offered are increased benefit packages, tuition assistance and an employer-funded four-year education. The Align crew takes a look at what that’s doing to the employee marketplace and what political implications it could have.

Also, the industry finds itself in another minimum wage conversation in New York, this time over conflicting data on the impacts of the city’s high minimum wage. The team tries to sort it out.

The episode concludes with this week’s legislative scorecard.

Align Public Strategies is a full-service public affairs and creative firm that helps corporate brands, governments and non-profit organizations navigate the outside world and inform their internal decision-making. This article does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editors or management of

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